Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pampered pussy

I found an article in The New York Times about a new health spa for women...only for women...cause its for vajay-jays. The place is called Phit and it was created by Dr. Lauri Romanzi (yep, its a chick), a gynecologist who performs pelvic reconstruction surgery.

I'll just give you some snipets from the article:
"The spa is essentially a gussied-up examination room down the hall from Dr. Romanzi’s medical practice. At the spa, the signature treatment will be a $150 gynecological exam — in which a client contracts her pelvic muscles around Dr. Romanzi’s fingers — to determine by feel whether muscle tone is weak, moderate or strong."     150 BUCKS!?!?!?!!?...yikes.

“If you can vote and you have a vagina, you should do these,” she (doc. octopussy) said. “It’s the dental floss of feminine fitness.”

“The outer layer can become almost scrotal, very wrinkly and lax,” Dr. Romanzi said"   ....ew....

btw, some some of the procedures include

  • Kegel Phitness
  • Do-It-Yourself
  • Baby Boot Camp
  • Inner Strength Personal Trainer
  • The "Other" Face Lift
  • Lazy Susan
  • Core Restore
  • Lip Sync
So its basically really awkward procedures that are more expensive than just getting a gigolo with funny little names like...The Cunt Hunt...or...The Clam Bake...or something else like that.